Information for Presenters
Everyone has a story to tell. The difference for a presenter is your willingness to organize and broadcast it to the convention. The seminar tools will help you present your story and not get in the way. |
What equipment do I need to be a presenter at the convention?
You'll need a computer that supports basic audio. That includes speakers (or headphones) and a microphone. If your computer can support Skype (or any VoIP system), then you have the hardware you need. Almost every computer sold today has a way to play audio, but the microphone input isn't always installed. One alternative is to use a USB headset and connect it to your computer through a USB port.
It is not necessary to have a high quality audio system for basic presentations. A headset that can plug into a microphone and speaker jack can be purchased for around US $10 (here's an example). A basic USB headset can be purchsed for approximately US $20 (another example).
What presentation software will I need?
A Power Point presentation file (PPT) or a PDF file are the prefered presentation formats. You'll control the presentation of the slides and be speaking as you present the slides. During your presentation, you'll have complete control over the rate and timing of the slides.
If you don't have Power Point, there are other presentation packages that will make a compatible file, and there are several free on-line services that will let you make Power Point files. Here are some suggestions:
- Google Docs -
- Preezo -
- Sliderocket -
How will I interact with attendees?
During the presentation, a live text chatroom is available to all attendees. If you wish, you can follow that conversation and pose questions to get attendee feedback. You can also conduct private live text messaging with any attendee.
Can I try out the seminar system in advance?
I'll hold practice sessions for anyone interested in trying out the software in advance. For small groups it is free to use, and I want all the speakers to feel confident.
I've had the chance to try the system with several novice users, and they felt is was extremely easy to use. They quickly took advantage of several advanced features once they understood the basic operation.
Are there any guidelines on preparing a seminar?
I'll set up a forum for the presenters so that you all can share ideas. There are several online sites that discuss slide presentations, and here are a few links to get started:
I'll add additional links here and on the Links page as I find them.
What sorts of topics are you looking for?
I think a wide range of topics would be of interest, especially for our first convention. Here's a potential list:
- Photographing bookmarks
- Using a scanner and Photoshop
- Personal collection
- Focus on particular types of bookmarks or manufacturers
- The world of bookmarks: souvenirs of note
- Bookmarks history
- Cultural values/usages
- What can bookmarks teach us?
- Bookmarks and censorship: when bookmarks offend
- Displaying your bookmarks without taking over the house
- Categorizing bookmarks: Software and its possibilities
- Exhibiting/showing
- How to approach galleries. libraries, bookstores, and other locations for a showing
- How to create a good presentation and find outlets interested in having you talk
- Demonstrations on making bookmarks (pick any craft)
- Die-cut bookmarks for today
- The business of bookmarks: creating and selling bookmarks for profit
- Using eBay and other auction sites
- Online retail/craft sites
- Writing about bookmarks: is there money to be had?
- Bookmark swaps
- Bookmark collecting groups/organizations
- Creating an active bookmark forum for both discussion and trading
- Building a bookmarks library: articles, books, and newsletters about bookmarks
- Bookmark ephemera
- Stories from collectors – how a collection came together
- Unusual aspects of collecting
- Bookmark contests used to promote reading/etc.
- Expanding the field, educating the public, bringing in new collectors
- On not boring people in conversation: how to talk bookmarks without losing your audience